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What Is Kundalini Yoga?

Known for its transformative benefits, the practice of Kundalini Yoga builds physical strength and stamina and enhances cognitive function, emotional fitness, and spiritual connection. Many people describe the experience as exhilarating, euphoric, and powerful. 

Who is it for? Kundalini Yoga offers a holistic technology that can be used by people of any belief and from all walks of life. Unlike renunciate yoga traditions, Kundalini Yoga provides a path for “householders”: people with families, social roles, and worldly concerns.

In this practice, the primary focus is on the movement and transformation of energy. There is no one practice or series. Instead, the practice focuses on kriyas, which are each a specific sequence of yogic techniques and meditations to create a specific result in consciousness. This could be something very concrete (like better digestion) or something more etheric (like an open heart). Each kriya (which means “action” in Sanskrit) and comes with precise instructions and usually includes most of the following techniques:

  • Asana: body postures

  • Mudras: hand positions

  • Pranayama: breathwork

  • Mantras: intentional, repeated sounds

  • Bandhas: constriction of particular area of the body

  • Drishti: directing the gaze of the eyes

  • Shivasana: relaxation at the end of practice

While they may be made of up multiple components, kriyas are one complete action, designed to be practiced as a whole set for an intended purpose.

 Nutritional Transformation:

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